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July 30, 2018 2 min read

The Importance Of Being Grateful
Jamelle Sanders

Gratitude is one of the most important elements for success. It’s the key to experiencing life at its best.

Many will tell you that hard work and dedication produce success. However, being grateful for your blessings in life is arguably what opens the door to a life of success and prosperity.

Gratitude is a powerful practice that can revolutionize your life forever! Here’s why.

The Importance Of Gratitude

1. Gratitude flows from a heart of “thanksgiving.”

Thanksgiving is not just a date on the calendar. Thanksgiving is a daily discipline that we should all develop in our lives.

Years ago, I made a conscious decision to write down three to five things that I am grateful for every single night. I have done this for almost twenty years, and it changed my life.

I found myself being thankful for the beautiful trees and moments of silence—for adversity and even painful experiences.

This exercise in gratitude empowered me to be thankful in all circumstances. It shifted my outlook about life and opened me up to a level of living that I did not even know was possible.

2. Gratitude shifts the narrative of your life.

So many people in the world today are battling through toxic thoughts and negative words. These thoughts and words create negative cycles in your lifes.

Being grateful changes the sequencing of words and the processing of your thoughts. It seasons your words and focuses your thoughts creating new possibilities for your life.

Your story changes, and therefore, the seasons of your life change. You are able to have the right perspective and understand the value that each cycle of life brings. You go from a life of complaining to a life of compassion and appreciation. Changing your story empowers you to create success in every area of your life.

3. Gratitude changes us for the better.

Humanity is in a constant state of evolution. We are all on a journey to become the highest expression of ourselves.

As a soul coach, I know that becoming your best self begins with cultivating a lifestyle of gratitude.

The moment I made gratitude a daily practice in my life, I noticed remarkable changes. I noticed that my heart was more open, and I found myself being more compassionate in life. I was unshaken when things did not go according to plan. Most of all, I was able to process my experiences differently and find the good in everything.