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May 18, 2018 1 min read

Tragic things that happen have no answer. They make no sense you can ask yourself why a million times and there still won’t be an answer. So instead of searching and longing for an explanation you have to take this as an opportunity to appreciate what you had, what you have, and not what you lost. 

I used to think if I was a good person and had faith that bad things wouldn’t happen to me but nothing could be further from the truth. Bad, terrible, tragic things happen and it’s not something you can blame yourself for, unfortunately these things just happen. It’s what you take from those experiences that can make you stronger and smarter and appreciate life. You can be sad but don’t let it own you. Don’t let these experiences take you down. Don’t let these events take away the facts that you have to make your priority to love life, and realize everyday is a gift, and choose happiness, and move forward. GFL Grateful For Life.